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Astro Treasure Hunt

We're hoping you'll have fun with this one! The purpose here is participation, not perfection. Whether you're out there with a 17" CDK or simply your iPhone you're participating in astrophotography and amateur astronomy and that's the point. I repeat: do not let any notion that your photos won't be good enough stop you from participating! This treasure hunt is about getting out under the stars, it's not a competition. Even the simplest astrophotos are amazing feats of human ingenuity, and there are thousands of long-gone astronomers from antiquity that would be absolutely floored just to have the ability to take a blurry phone photo of the Milky Way.
The treasure hunt objects were chosen such that you should be able to complete it even if all you have access to is a contemporary smartphone. Wide field with your phone is a-ok, as are tracked and stacked deep sky photos. As long as the object or constellation in question is clearly visible. Since the point is to encourage you to get out there this spring/summer we want you to use photos you've taken in 2023, not just things you've pulled from the archive. That said, we'll allow you to use up to two photos taken prior to this year (other than for the final object listed below), but we really hope you'll participate within the spirit of the treasure hunt. The final stipulation is in place to make sure that no one can simply plumb their photo archives for the appropriate objects: ALL participants must include a photo of Jupiter at the feet of the constellation Aries, taken during Spring/Summer 2023. Which means that we shouldn't be receiving any completed submissions until at least mid-June or early July 2023. Heard?
And I hope that it's redundant to say this, but all images must be taken by YOU. No "borrowing" images that were created by other people, please and thanks.
Successful treasure hunts can be submitted in any way that works, although preferred methods would be something along the lines of: set up an AstroBin gallery (the free "trial" will get you a gallery of up to 10 images, more than enough for this purpose), an Instagram album post, a Flickr gallery if that's still a thing. Maybe you have your own website and you want to post a gallery there. As long as it can be accessed freely that's fine. Depending on levels of participation, and with prior approval from interested participants, we may also post a list of links to people's galleries. We shall see!
And regarding the carrot at the end of this, we'll allow that discount to be used on any purchase of regular-price merchandise, as long as it doesn't put us in the red. Be it a Fornax LighTrack II, a William Optics RedCat 71, a QHY cooled CMOS camera, what have you. You may also use this discount on select pre- or special-orders of any products from our suppliers that we may not have in stock, depending on if we have a pending order with said supplier, and subject to the same criteria as in stock merchandise. Valid only on orders with pre-tax/shipping subtotals >$699 CAD. One use per customer, discount cannot be combined with other discounts, sales, or offers. Offer valid until September 23rd, 2023.

LighTrack II

Ultra portable star tracker

with outstanding tracking accuracy

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design and precision

The LighTrack II is designed for astrophotographers who don't want to make compromises when it comes to their gear. Looks and functionality go hand-in-hand in perfect unison. Compact size, light weight, and a robust body - paired with outstanding tracking accuracy - puts the LighTrack II in a league of it's own in the portable tracker market.


Light and robust

The build of the LighTrack II is exceptionally massive despite it's light weight. All metal components are fabricated from 7075 aluminium alloy reinforced with magnesium, a material developed for aircraft construction. The housing is made of a carbon-composite plastic with a multi-layered, UV and abrasion-proof coating to provide further durability.


12 kg / 6 kg

Payload with / without Counterweight Kit

6 minutes

Exposure period


Focal Length with Counterweight Kit

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  • what does the community think?

    I can confirm that the unguided performance of the Fornax LighTrack II is incredible and that the 3-minute images I’ve captured at 400mm were razor sharp.
    Trevor Jones -
  • what does the community think?

    I’ve been working with Fornax Mount’s LighTrack series since their first model. And it was love at first sight or at first track, actually. It fits in my hand luggage when I fly, it offers crazy accurate tracking and it’s built by people who love the night sky.
    Alex Conu
  • what does the community think?

    Lightrack has been a great tool in the development of my landscape astrophotography projects, allowing me up to 6 minutes exposures without star trails. As a landscape astrophotographer I recommend the Lightrack for the production of your astronomical images.
    Sergio Montúfar
  • what does the community think?

    With Fornax FWM-200 I could always adjust my pole height in just a few minutes. The mechanics are very high quality and precise. In addition, the FWM-200 still has a very simple fine adjustment for optimal positioning. FWM-200 has never left me in the rut.
    Mehmet Ergün
  • what does the community think?

    Fornax Mounts LightTrack II - I've noticed that this technique is perfect for my work and makes it a lot easier! It's a great honor and joy for me to work with Fornax Mounts together.
    Delil Geyik
  • what does the community think?

    Working with the new LightTrack II is pure joy! The outstanding accuracy in combination with the consumer friendly usability makes this star tracker my permanent companion during the night.
    Stefan Liebermann
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Fornax has been developing and producing astronomical equipment for 20 years now. Our main focus is manufacturing astronomical mounts, but our range includes other astronomical auxiliary products. In addition to private projects we have been involved in such prestigious projects as the HAT (Hungarian Automated Telescope) project, one of the most successful projects in exo-planet exploration, or the BlackGem project. Our customers include Harvard and Princeton universities. Our mounts are used by many famous astrophotographers, and their award winning pictures taken with the help of our products stand as testament to the quality.

QHYCCD designs and manufactures world-leading astronomical cameras, ranging from entry-level to professional, CMOS and CCD, front-illuminated and back-illuminated, specially crafted for amateur and professional astronomers worldwide.

In a relatively short time, William Optics has established itself and its products as one of the world leaders in short-tube, highly-portable refractors, and has achieved quality recognition for many accessories such as the well celebrated WO Diagonals.
We plan to keep producing fine instruments both for the entry-level and the top-end segments. In the coming year, you will have many pleasant surprises: on top of a whole new range of larger Apochromatic telescopes, we will begin marketing new accessories and binoculars for all pockets.
Far from limiting ourselves to astronomy, in accordance to the founders’ passion for nature in all its aspects, we will increase our efforts to produce superior products for the bird-watching enthusiast and the casual observer alike.

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